Tour O The Borders, powered by Pirelli 2020 cancelled

Hey Everyone,
It’s so good to see some aspects of life starting to get back to normal, but the events industry remains, for obvious reasons, near the back of the queue.
… the bad news
We very much regret we now have no choice but to postpone the 2020 Tour O The Borders powered by Pirelli until 2021. Despite lockdown easing it’s still impossible for us to plan or prepare properly, and when/if we do get a green light, we won’t be able to deliver the event as previously, and definitely not as we described or advertised originally. There are so many considerations for participants, crew, staff, and exhibitors, and also issues around services, permissions, insurance, community feelings and more.
We have tried so hard to make this work and we hope you’ll understand why we have had to make this difficult decision.
But the good news is we’re already planning to make 2021 our best event ever! The new Touro date will be Sunday 5 September 2021 and we are delighted to announce that Pirelli will be again joining us.
If you didn’t bag yourself an entry this year, the 2021 date will be on sale from Friday 24 July 2020 over at
Refunds, transfers and vouchers
If you had signed up for Tour O The Borders, powered by Pirelli 2020 you will have received an email from Evenbrite detailing all the options for transfers, refunds and vouchers and how to claim these. If you haven’t received an email, but should have, drop us an email at
And the good news?
On another optimistic note, if circumstances allow, we may try and organise a new (albeit smaller) event later in the year so we can get out on our bikes together – at a safe distance – and celebrate brighter times ahead. We’ll just have to wait and see what’s possible, and what’s sensible.
In the meantime let’s have a fantastic summer of riding our bikes and enjoying the huge new interest in cycling – it’s great to see so many new bike friends out on the roads!
Thank you for your ongoing support at such a critical and unsure time for everyone.
Stay safe,
The Touro Team
Categorised in: News
This post was written by Alex Simpkin