Timing Issues

One thing I need to sort out is time. Making the most of it, to be precise. Last week’s training was a bit of a mess… I started out well enough with a Zwift session on Monday, but then on Tuesday when it was gorgeously sunny, I decided I had more urgent things to do than get out on the road – I should have seized the day, and just rearranged my week but I didn’t, and so missed the window of lovely weather. Any further outdoor cycling was kiboshed by Storm Doris, and the fact that I was home alone with the kids this weekend meant that turbo was my only option.
My new motto is going to be Carpe Diem – I’m lucky that I’m flexible with my time and can catch up on work in the evening, so here goes, I’m going to live in the moment and stop making up excuses. Supertrainer Phil told me I need to start properly getting the miles in, so I need to knuckle down, get organised and get my legs turning whenever I can. That means getting my kit sorted, my garmin charged and ready to go and my head in the right place to just go whenever I have an hour or two. I shouldn’t feel guilty about taking the time to train, I am allowed some time to do something just for myself a couple of times a week!
Onwards fellow riders, I bet you’re all doing a whole lot better than me!
#mytouro #makeityours
Categorised in: News
This post was written by hillsideoutside